Great success of The Way at the Catechetical Day in Krakow
Catechetical Day of the Archdiocese of Cracow
How to teach religion
On 28 August we had the pleasure of participating in the Catechetical Day, which took place in John Paul II Center “Do not be afraid!” in Cracow. The event brought together all the catechists of the Archdiocese of Krakow, who discussed current problems, issues and possibilities of teaching religion. We introduced them to a new way to reach students — our series The Way.
Great success
We are proud to announce that our videos have met with tremendous interest - they have been viewed as many as 166 times and the total viewing time was over 34 hours! Showings were attended by lay catechists, priests, sisters and even two bishops.
Not only the number of views have become a source of satisfaction for us. After the screenings, we talked to the audience about our films and how they can be used for catechesis. Their opinions were the greatest reward for us. We recorded some of the reviews and you can watch them on the video posted above.
“For the first time, I have had the experience that technology can be used to convey the depth of a certain truth of faith that touches us in life. “,

“This is for everyone! This experience is amazing!” - said the viewers.
Mission of The Way
We are very happy about this, because that is why we created The Way. So that with the help of an incredible VR experience, a combination of 360 images, effects, music, you can get interested in art enough to start thinking about it and seeing its beauty. It doesn't happen instantly. It is a long process, not just an ordinary education, but real upbringing in values that can be started at any age.
Learning to appreciate beauty and culture, to understand Christian art and to know the depth of faith through art - this does not come from nowhere. This requires at the same time interest in the subject and upbringing for it. The Way fulfills both functions, it is best to see for yourself.
Therefore, we invite catechists to take advantage of the help of new technology in teaching and to take students to the screenings of The Way in our cinema in Krakow. It is located in the Museum of St. John Paul II the Great and is open from 9:00 to 17:00. Groups must be arranged in advance with the Museum and the visit can be combined with museum lessons. Detailed information can be found on the Museum's website.
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